Wednesday, September 3, 2014

August 5 Favorites

Looks like it is a new month. ALREADY! Geeze!  I feel that by the next time I blink that it will be December. 

My wish for September is that the temperature changes and I can cook things other than salads or cook at home and not break into an uncontrollable sweat.  I have plans for some Apartment 7 dinners with open invites so stay tuned!

Like I did last month, here are my five favorites for the month of August.  Basically me, trolling the internet, finding things I like and sharing them with you.


Favorite Eatery:

If you are ever in Denver, and looking for something to eat, I highly suggest this spot.  After eating there I felt very inspired.

Favorite Recipe:

I love this recipe because it is so versatile. I made this first according to the directions, then I took it and ran.  You can basicially use any type of legume that is frozen or fresh or canned. I usually use the Soycatash from Trader Joe's.  But you can use garbanzo beans, fava beans or fresh lima beans.  I usually add fresh spinach and a fried egg to top.  It is my new favorite go to.

Favorite Instagram:
 You guys know how much I love it here. 

Favorite Show That You Should Be Watching:

Seasons one and two are on Amazon Prime and Netflix.  It will change your life.  Season one is David Chang and season two is Sean Brock and April Bloomfield.  So fucking inspiring.

Favorite Video:
Fung Bros Food: Filipino with AJ Rafael.
It's funny because I can relate. 

Thank You a million times for reading and here here to September!

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