Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Cookbook Tuesday

 Last week I featured a classic book and this week a modern cookbook.  
Today's selection is called Home Made by Yvette van Boven.  Keeping in tradition with last week, I have not made anything from this book nor have I marked anything. Strange because I have the two other books from this same series with recipes marked. Yes, there are two others that I will eventually feature.  I bought this book because it is just beautiful.  The illustrations and pictures are amazing and while I can't vouch for a recipe in the book at this time, I feel like they would be delicious.  
What you can't see is that this photo is taken in my bathroom. 
My cookbooks are arranged in three sections on three shelves.  One section is restaurants and periodicals, the other is vintage and miscellaneous, and the one closest to the kitchen is what I like to call the reference section.  This is where you find the Joy of Cooking, Mastering the Art of French Cooking and Home Made.  

This photo was taken on my kitchen table. 

While I have not made anything from here I do reference it from time to time for ideas and to get inspired.  I am not a cook that follows instructions very well, I blame my mother for that. 

 Every page is playful and because of that I love it and it has a worthy spot on my bookshelves.

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