Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Steak Me Home Tonight.

When Shane is out of town, I like to watch all the shows that I have already seen.  One of my favorites to watch is Happy Endings.  It's better than Friends.  There I've said it, and now it's out there.  When I am alone I seek comfort and most of the time it is not in food.  Shitty salads, pasta and cheese are a staple in in my diet.  I also like to splurge on frozen pizza and cheap pho.  I am the worst single person I know.  I forget to eat breakfast and pack lunch. I know, THE WORST! I take comfort in the shows I know.

I think this time around, I am ahead of the game. First, the Olympics are on.  If you know me, you know that I LOVE the Olympics.  I made a bunch of organic Navy Beans.  Yes, I did just throw out organic to make it sound better.  I am also defrosting half of a chicken so I can roast it to make a chicken salad. Like I said, ahead of the game. Before I was left to fend for myself, I made what I like to call, The Best Steak You Will Ever Eat.  It was familiar and very good.  I can make this with my eyes closed and I know what results will be.  I guess it is like watching the shows I have already seen, or movies I have already watched. 

The Best Steak You Will Ever Eat

Rib Eye Steak, salted and peppered, generously
1 cove of garlic
sprig of rosemary
sprig of thyme
knob of butter, no less that 2 tablespoon
equal amount of grapeseed oil
 cast iron skillet

Heat stove to a high medium, you will know it's ready when water beads on the pan.  
Add oil then butter.
Give it a moment
Add steak, then add garlic, rosemary, and thyme
Spoon pan liquid over steak.  
Let it sit on side A for about 5 minutes, longer if it's thicker. 
Flip side, repeat.
Put in oven for 6 - 8 minutes depending on thickness and desired doneness
let it sit for 6 minutes


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